Thursday, June 6, 2024

I Like Thursday #237


It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more fun blogs. I finished cross stitching my dresser scarf and started on Christmas ornaments. I figured if I started early enough I could make quite a few Christmas gifts. I love making these little projects. They're so manageable and portable. This one measures about 4.5" square. I have no idea who will get this as a gift. I'll decide later on!

This is as far as I got on the binding for my son's wedding quilt. It needs to be ironed and sewn on. It's been warm and humid the last few days so I've sort of kept away from a hot iron. I'll get to it eventually!

The prompt this week asks if we can rest during free time or do you feel as though you constantly have to do something. I do have a hard time just sitting. It makes me feel guilty. I think that's why I like to do hand work. It keeps me busy even when watching television. I usually only take a nap if I'm not feeling well. I always feel I have too much to do. I really think I should learn to relax more. I think it's got for your mind and body to just do nothing sometimes. 

This is the latest book I've been reading. A friend of mine bought it for me and said I would love it. It's a bit trashy but still enjoyable. However, it's over 900 pages! It's going to take me forever to finish it. No wonder I don't relax! I told you, I have too much to do! Haha!

It's a dark and humid day here. Thunder storms may pop up. I hope you're having better weather where you live! Have a great weekend!!


  1. Wow, I am impressed that you have started Christmas gifts already!

    1. It's unusual for me too but I wanted to do something portable and quick and these ornaments seem to work for me.

  2. Pretty cross stitch. Binding is such a nice thing to finish! I hope you get a chance to get it sewn on soon. 900 pages - that's a serious book!

    1. Thanks, Sally! This book is too long! It's sort of trashy and I feel like I should be reading something better! I'm going to finish it since my friend bought it for me. I feel too guilty to stop!

  3. Working on Christmas projects always makes me feel cooler so it made me happy that you are doing that too! I do know what you mean about ironing when it's hot. That and baking just doesn't work for me! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Michele! I did iron the binding but I sweat a lot while I was finished the binding. I just have to sew it on now! It's tough to bake when it's hot. I agree!!!

  4. Congratulations on finish the dresser scarf. Your little ornament is super cute. I can't sit still either. I must be doing something all the time.


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