Thursday, June 13, 2024

I Like Thursday #238

Is it Thursday already!? Time to share some fun posts with everyone. Please visit LeeAnna to link up with more bloggers. I have three peony plants and they are all blooming like crazy. I made this little bouquet and put it in my family room. It makes the whole room smell so nice! I love that light pink color.

I'm sewing together Oopsie Daisy from Bonnie Hunter. Each block measures 9" finished. I made 81 blocks. I'll also be adding a couple of borders. It should be a good sized quilt. The piecing is slow since there are quite a few seams to match up. Slow is fine!!

I did make the binding for my son's wedding quilt. It's sitting very nicely and ready to go. I'll probably sew it on the quilt sometime this weekend. The quilt is big so I'm going to carve out a few hours to get the job done! I can't believe it's almost finished!
The prompt this week asks what we did after school was over for the summer. We all remember having to clean out our desks or lockers. As soon as I was 16, I worked at the local super market. I made a ton of friends there and we had a lot of fun when we were off. But before I worked, I had a best friend who lived in my neighborhood. We used to get together and sit on my front porch. We'd get the radio and our knitting needles and try to figure out how to knit. We never finished anything and it took years before I knew what I was doing. But it was so fun to sit outside in the warm weather, talk to my friend while listening to music and knitting. It may sound boring to some people but we really enjoyed it. We would take turns eating at each other's house. Those days seemed so long and never ending. Ahhh, to be young again with no responsibilities. 

I hope you're having great weather wherever you live. Have a great Father's Day weekend!!



  1. Your peonies are gorgeous! I love the idea of sitting and chatting with a friend while knitting. Well, I don't knit but stitching or arting of any kind would work.

    1. Thank you, Angela! Yes, we chose knitting, but any craft would b fun learning together.

  2. Those peonies are beautiful. Those, along with hydrangeas, are my favorite. The red binding is going to look great on the quilt. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Jeanna! The weather has been so nice. Everything is blooming up here!!

  3. Pretty peonies. I like those blocks.

  4. How I envy you your Peonies!! It's too humid where we are in this part of New Zealand to grow then successfully sadly. Yours are lovely colours.

  5. spending time with a like minded companion... not at all boring, it's so connected and what life is about.
    you knitted even then, wowie!

    1. Yes, LeeAnna, I guess I've been knitting for a long time!!


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