Monday, March 30, 2020

Desperate Times Desperate Measures

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My hairdresser is closed so I missed my appointment. I wasn't sure what to do. I'm so lucky! My salon is selling kits so you can color your hair at home. I get the same color that I love and the quality that I'm used to. The kit is in this picture. They even wrote the directions for me so I couldn't goof it up!
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I got my daughter to apply my color for me. It took a few hours. I should have tipped her but I forgot! My hair looks like I really did just go to the hairdresser!

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I'm cutting fabric to start sewing a quilt but my longarm has been quiet. I ordered some wide backing fabric for Carolina Chain. I got it in the mail today. I got something totally different than the scrappy front. I bought this fabric full of kitties! I just love it! I'm going to wash it and iron it. I can't wait to load my quilt! It's been difficult to get motivated during this time. Everything just feels so strange right now. I'm hoping quilting and keeping busy will help me through this. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I Like Thursday #44

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Welcome to this week's version of I Like Thursday. It's a little difficult to find the positives during this time. I think we can still find them. We just have to dig a little deeper. I did notice my lilac bush is starting to bloom! Spring is here! Sort of! We had a snowstorm that dumped close to 5 inches a few days ago. But still, the weather is definitely improving.

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It's in the mid-50's right now. I went out on my deck and couldn't help but notice the sky's beautiful shade of blue. As much as I love pink, this shade of blue is one of my favorites.

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Since I'm stuck in the house more, I have started cleaning a few things. I collect miniature tea sets. They needed to be dusted although they're in a china cabinet. I like having an excuse to touch them! They remind me of all the times I made my brother play "tea party" with me!


I'm reading a lot lately. I just finished this book this morning. I love World War II historical fiction. This book is suspenseful and most of it takes place right in Boston. I highly recommend it!

That's it  for this week. I hope we get some better news soon. I'm hoping to be able to work from home soon. I would love not to be exposing myself at the hospital. We'll see! Go take a peek at LeeAnna's blog which you can find here. You'll find more fun posts to read!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Face Masks

Image may contain: Rosemary Mercuri Dickinson

I've worked the last two days. Thursday night, my computer died. I couldn't get it to turn on at all. While at work yesterday, I had my husband take it to someone who's worked on my computer before. He fixed it for me and I got it back last night. My daughter also told me her good friend is being forced to make home visits starting this week. She works with autistic children. Her friend is a little nervous about it so we made her 2 face masks. They're not as good as the real thing, but it's better than nothing. I got the pattern from a link the CDC has up on it's website. 

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I cut 2 halves, one for the lining and one for the outer fabric.
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I sewed the 2 halves together and opened the seam. 

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The pattern calls for elastic straps. I made my own ties from the outer fabric. It took a little longer but worked just as well. I didn't want to leave the house and I heard most stores are out of the elastic. 

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I pinned the ties to the right side of the lining. I pinned the outer fabric, right sides together, to the lining.

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I sewed them together, left an opening and turned it right side out. Done! I just top stitched around the edge when I finished. It was fun to work on these together with my daughter. They're in the wash right now and her friend will be getting them soon. 

I don't have direct patient contact at work but if I do, these might come in handy to use with the masks we have at work. These cloth face masks are designed to extend the life of the medical masks that hospitals stock. If anyone would like the pattern, just let me know. I sort of used a hybrid of 2 different patterns to make these masks. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

I Like Thursday #43

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We're in a strange time right now. I'm thankful for anything that takes my mind off of coronavirus and all it encompasses. I saw this little saying and found it comforting. I'm not a big fan of organized religion but I do have beliefs I live by. So when it gets to be overwhelming, pray! I feel my anxiety level decreases when I say a few prayers. I hope it works for you too!

Image may contain: people sitting and indoor

I'm looking for a diversion right now. I'm so glad I have a lot of books in my house. Between my e-reader and the books I own, I can keep my mind otherwise occupied! It's a bit messy but I don't care! It's well used!

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Of course, sewing and quilting are my best diversions! I made this pincushion a few years ago. I leave it close to where I sit when I watch television. It was a free pattern online. You can find the tutorial here

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Just between you and me, I still watch General Hospital! My mother always watched it. When I went away to college, we would all pile into someone's room to watch. It's one of my guilty pleasures!

That's my likes for the week. It's been a weird week but we'll all get through this together. Wash your hands and stay healthy! Don't forget to go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive and upbeat posts! 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Binding Disco

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I spent the afternoon sewing the binding on Disco. It wasn't the quickest binding I've worked with. Those zig zag sides took awhile!

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As you can see, binding baby was there to help me! It's so nice to have my binding all rolled up. It unrolls little by little as needed. This is so helpful.

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This is what the binding looks like until it's sewn down. Julie Herman, of Jaybird Quilts, has a tutorial to follow in the Disco directions. It's a great resource. I've done these bindings before but it's been awhile. It's great to have the tutorial available when binding is all ready to sew. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

I Like Thursday #42

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I'm trying not to panic over the coronavirus. I've had to turn off the news a few times. It was getting to be too much. When I get a little nervous, I sew. It's my therapy. I'm sure many of you do the same thing. Well, thanks to this new virus, I have 2 finishes this week! Carolina Chain is now a completed quilt top! I tried my best to line up all my seams but towards the end, I wasn't quite as careful. It still looks fine. 

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My wall hanging is done too! I was a little nervous about quilting it but that turned out to be much easier than I expected. It was fast! It took 2 hours max. 

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I don't eat many carbs but I do make exceptions! My mother made home made meat pie and spinach pie. It was worth the added carbs!

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St. Patrick's Day is next week. I have my front door all decorated. I'm not Irish but my husband and kids are. I did visit Ireland years ago and thought it was beautiful! I'd like to visit again. 

Thanks for reading my Thursday likes. Go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive and fun posts! Stay healthy!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Finishing up Carolina Chain!

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I'm almost done with Carolina Chain. That's a good thing because this quilt is exhausting me! There are so many seams to match up. My rows are getting smaller so it's getting a little easier but it's been tough going! I'm looking forward to finishing up that last corner. I love the look of it but it was so much work! 

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I loaded my wall hanging onto the long arm. I've got to decide how to quilt it but at least it's all ready! I'm hoping to get to it soon!

I've worked the last few days. There are rumors of coronavirus at a neighboring hospital but not the hospital I work in. My cousin who lives in Italy is in lockdown. However, the stores are still open. They can go out 6AM to 6PM but then must stay in their homes. They're allowed to shop but must keep one meter between them. Schools are closed. I heard their hospitals are flooded with sick patients. I'm hoping we don't get as bad as Italy. Let's all say a prayer.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

I Like Thursday #41

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I wasn't sure I'd be able to post today. I've had a cold for the last few days. I've been sitting on the couch trying to knit and read hoping I'd feel better. I guess it worked since I feel so much better than this morning. I never had a fever or a cough. I think it was just the common cold. That's a good thing since I have to work tomorrow. While I was trying to have a quiet day, I washed a few of the fabrics in my Star Storm quilt kit. I can only wash a few fabrics at a time since each piece of fabric is marked with a piece of paper showing exactly where that piece goes in the quilt. I've never seen that before. What a great idea!!

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While sitting on the couch, I've used this light many times. It just gives extra light where it's needed! There are 3 settings. It comes in very handy!

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Of course, the eye doctor calls today to inform me my contact lens have arrived. I wasn't planning on going anywhere today. My husband went to get them for me during lunchtime. I'm looking forward to using them! They're so comfortable! I've been using contact lens since I was 16. I'm not used to wearing eye glasses except when I'm home. 

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I had never tried Prosecco before. I've heard it mentioned in many books I've read lately. Last time we went out, I tried it! It was very good! I'll have it again. It's a little bit fizzy but has a nice taste!

That's it for me this week. I'm so glad I could get my I Like Thursday posted today! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more fun and positive posts! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Moving Along Slowly!

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These rows on Carolina Chain are getting so long! This is the longest row I'll have to sew. Once this last row is sewed on, I'll be have halfway done Carolina Chain. It's been slow going. Between work and everything else I have to do, I've bee taking my time getting these rows sewed together. I 'like how it's coming out so I'll just have to keep going!

I just have the outer borders left on Fast Forward. This quilt is so fast compared to Carolina Chain! I still have to cut and sew the borders together. I work on this one when I get tired of sewing Carolina Chain together. I think I might start working on one project at a time. I feel as though I'm spreading myself too thin. We'll see if I can stick to that! I usually see a new project that catches my eye and start on that too! 

Going out to run errands. It's Super Tuesday here so I'll be voting too! Looking forward to voting for my candidate!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...