Thursday, March 12, 2020

I Like Thursday #42

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I'm trying not to panic over the coronavirus. I've had to turn off the news a few times. It was getting to be too much. When I get a little nervous, I sew. It's my therapy. I'm sure many of you do the same thing. Well, thanks to this new virus, I have 2 finishes this week! Carolina Chain is now a completed quilt top! I tried my best to line up all my seams but towards the end, I wasn't quite as careful. It still looks fine. 

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My wall hanging is done too! I was a little nervous about quilting it but that turned out to be much easier than I expected. It was fast! It took 2 hours max. 

Image may contain: food and indoor

I don't eat many carbs but I do make exceptions! My mother made home made meat pie and spinach pie. It was worth the added carbs!

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St. Patrick's Day is next week. I have my front door all decorated. I'm not Irish but my husband and kids are. I did visit Ireland years ago and thought it was beautiful! I'd like to visit again. 

Thanks for reading my Thursday likes. Go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive and fun posts! Stay healthy!!


  1. Replies
    1. I'm so thrilled to have a few finishes! Thanks, Colette!

  2. Your two finishes are gorgeous! Love them both but aren't those flowers so pretty. Also how nice to have some mom food...nourishing. Meat pie is a favourite here.

    1. Thanks so much, Jocelyn! If we have to stay home, we can quilt and sew! I'm trying to get a lot done!

  3. Hi Rosemary! Your Carolina Chain is just gorgeous. What a great accomplishment - it's gorgeous. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Yup we are doing the same thing here! I love that quilt and your wall hanging! Meat pie sounds delish! Have a good week!

    1. Thanks, Michele! I'm hoping the news gets better one of these days!

  5. oh! outstanding! So so nice work womanship!
    I'd eat all the pie right now.

    1. Thank you, Leeanna! My mother is a great cook and her food is always appreciated!

  6. Lovely to see Carolina Chain top completed, so colourful, and the home made pies from your Mom look absolutely delicious!

    1. Thanks, Maureen! I'm so happy that I actually finished it!

  7. Your quilt and wall hanging are gorgeous! Yup, it helps to focus on something fun and soothing. Today I sewed three pillow covers and made a butterfly with duct tape. Easy-peasy stuff.


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...