Tuesday, June 30, 2020

T-Shirt Quilt(s)

My son's girlfriend asked me if I was interested in helping out a friend of hers. Her mother had made her a t-shirt quilt but it was falling apart. It had been tied but the ties were breaking and the batting was making it's way through the quilt. I didn't think it would be too difficult. I knew I'd have to stabilize it but I would quickly quilt it on the longarm. She didn't care what quilt design I used. She just wanted to be able to use her quilt again. I'm sure there are lots of sentimental feelings attached to this quilt. I just couldn't say no!

I was surprised that this quilt was made of 2 different quilt tops. This girl's mother had made sure they were the same size and just tied them together. This quilt must have weighed a ton! It was already taken apart by the time I received it. It measures approximately 86" X 97". This was going to be more work than I expected!

After going back and forth for a little bit, we decided to make it into 2 separate quilts. I'm not sure my longarm could have quilted a double sided t-shirt quilt. So thick and heavy!  I bought stabilizer. As you can see, the first row has fusible stabilizer attached. I'm going to work on one row at a time. I'm also trimming the seam allowance. I read 1/2 inch is plenty. Some of these seams are over an inch!

I'm taking my time. Once the top is ready, I'll get the backing ready also. My customer has no preference so I'm going to find some cute fabric. I'll be quilting a large meander over the whole quilt. I love the look of meandering/stippling. It won't overpower the quilt but it will hold it together nicely. I still have to finish Long Time Gone. I'm close to 3/4 done with that quilt. I'm certainly not rushing that! Too bad I have to work! Work always takes the fun out of my sewing time!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

I Like Thursday #57

If it's Thursday, it's time for a happy post! Since this past Sunday was Father's Day, I made my white cake that my family loves! It was also my husband's birthday the week before. We had a cookout and gave him a lot of gifts! It was a fun day although it was hot and humid. My husband had a great day!

Our little vegetable plants are doing well! We have 2 tomato and 2 peppers. I didn't see any tomatoes yet but there are flowers sprouting. My mom already has a few tomatoes that are pretty good size. I figure it's still early in the season.

I bought this cute little thimble holder from Annie's Catalog. It's just to hold supplies. I think I'll put it near my sewing machine. I'll keep my seam ripper, glasses, small scissors, etc in there. I couldn't resist!

The main reason I ordered from Annie's Catalog was to buy this t-shirt stabilizer. I'm working on a t-shirt quilt for someone. It will be discussed further in another post. I wasn't going to try and quilt it without stabilizing each block. I was trying to buy some from Joann's but it was never available. I tried online as well as in store. I had to buy this or keep putting off getting this done. I hope it works well! It had good reviews.

That's my happy post for the week! Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more uplifting and fun posts to read!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Project Roundup

I've completed 18 Pineapple Blocks. I've already started 2 more. I need a total of 64 blocks. Thanks to my work schedule, I haven't been sewing very much. I have a few days off coming up so I'll be able to get more done. 

Here's a little machine quilting on Long Time Gone. I quilted some curves in the squares and ribbon candy in the sashing. 

I tried all sorts of different quilt motifs in this block. I thought it was too much when I finished but it was too late to change my mind! I wouldn't let myself rip anything out!

Here's my Bowtie block. I tried straight lines, curved crosshatching and arcs once again. It was fun to experiment. I like the result. Once again, I like some motifs better than others but I wouldn't let myself change anthing. I feel it's a learning experience.

This little wall hanging just needs to be quilted. I got the applique done fast! It looks a little sad in this picture but it will look better when it's all quilted and the binding is done.

I couldn't believe how hot it got today. I was inside an air conditioned department all day and was surprised when I left. I'm so tired! I I'm looking forward to sleeping tonight and not having to be at work for 6!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

I Like Thursday #56

Well, it's been another strange week but I found a few likes that I can share. I just finished another cone of Aurifil thread that I use on the longarm. My longarm loves it and so do I! It's 50 weight thread. I like the way it lays on my quilts. It's over 6000 yards and lasts me a long time. It's a bit pricey to buy but economical in the end. 

I got a nice cover for my new Nook. Barnes & Noble was out of stock for these covers so I bought it from Amazon. My Nook fits great in it and it's so easy to hold while I'm reading. 

Here's a fun picture for you! I finally went to the hairdresser! It had been almost 5 months from my last cut and color. In this picture, I'm under the dryer while my base color, foils and hot oil treatment process. My hair was so dry that I opted for the hot oil. It really makes a difference.

I made another paleo quiche but I added little plum tomatoes this time. I just love seeing the colors. I also bought Applewood bacon. I had never tried it before. It was so good! There are no additives or preservatives. You can taste the difference!

I hope you enjoyed my likes for the week. The weather was so nice this week. It's just starting to really heat up and get humid. I'll be working the next few days so that's fine by me! Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun and uplifting posts! Have a great week!

Monday, June 15, 2020

New Applique Project

I won this pattern, as well as the fabric kit, quite a few years ago. I saw it in my sewing room and thought it would be fun to make. I'd like to hang it up for the Fourth of July. (Hope I can get it done on time!)

I have all the pieces basted. I use freezer paper to applique so it didn't really take long. I just have to sit and sew!

The kit also includes binding and backing. So cute!

I'm still making Pineapple Blocks and quilting Long Time Gone. I thought this cute applique project would be a fun change of pace!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

I Like Thursday #55

It's Thursday, time for a happy post! My mother wanted to go to Joann's yesterday. I was a little hesitant but I didn't want her to go alone. I'm happy I went. It was so nice to get out of the house and not just to go to work or the grocery store. I bought this cute little welcome mat for my back door. It was 70% off! You can't beat that deal!

I also bought this book. I've had my eye out for it but never saw it since all quilt shows have been cancelled. It was also on sale. I did have a coupon for 40% off one regular priced item. I ended up using it on a package of sharps. Not much of a discount! Joann's had a plastic sheet between the customer and cashier. It wasn't very crowded. I didn't feel like I took a huge risk. My mom had fun looking at  the wreaths and florals.

I broke down and bought a new Nook. I opted for the Samsung tablet. It's very similar to an iPad. I use the Libby app to read library books. My old Nook was so old (6 years) that it couldn't support the app anymore. I've got it all set up and I love it! 

This guy has been hanging around my neighborhood for the last week. I'm wondering if he got lost. The turkeys around here are usually in a group. I hope he finds his friends! He sort of looks lonely out there!

Those are my likes for the week! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive and uplifting posts. We need them more than ever right now!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Trudging Along

I'm diligently working on my Pineapple Blocks. I have 14 completed and 2 more partially done. I plan on making 64 blocks total so the quilt will measure 80" X 80". I'm really enjoying this. The scraps are being used although there isn't even a little dent in my scrap bag.

I'm close to halfway through quilting Long Time Gone. It's taking awhile! I'm just taking my time and stitching along. This one is going to take awhile!

Quilting and sewing is wonderful therapy with everything going on around us. It really calms me to sew and figure out what quilting motif to use next. It's a nice escape. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

I Like Thursday #54

Today is Thursday so it's time for some positive and happy posts. It's been tough this week. The news is bleak. Covid is still among us. I'll have to be honest and say I really had to hunt for anything positive and uplifting. I managed to find a few. We're all staying in more due to Covid. My husband likes to light a fire on our patio in the back yard. Here's his fire pit. Our neighbors have actually joined us. We've come to know them much better not just as neighbors, but friends. That's definitely positive!

I got my new issue of American Quilter. I just started looking through it. It looks good so far! This magazine rarely disappoints me. 

I made a few more masks for my family. This time, I used elastic from my disposable masks. I've washed them and they're fine. They're so much easier to use when compared to the ties. 

While sewing my Pineapple blocks, my iron just died. I knew I had a spare iron somewhere in the house. It took me awhile to find it, but I did and got to finish my sewing!

Those are my likes for the week. I hope everything calms down out there. I'm tired of turmoil. This year has not been the best so far. Let's hope for better times ahead. Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive posts. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Some Piecing and Quilting

I've had to work the last few days. I was so happy to be home today. I got up early and went to the grocery store. When I got home, I started working on 2 more Pineapple Blocks. My completed 10 blocks are in this picture.

Here the two I started today. I'll finished them tomorrow. I love using up these scraps. I have scraps tucked away in a few areas so I try to use the different sets of scraps so the quilt will be made with a wider variety of fabrics. 

I finished quilting this particular set of blocks in Long Time Gone. I wasn't really sure what to do. I tried to make a little design using quilting. I like how it's coming along! Little by little, I'm making some progress!

I'm still staying home even though some businesses have opened. One place I will be going is the beauty salon! I'm looking forward to seeing my hairdresser! My hair needs a cut, color and highlights. It's been too long. I'll be taking precautions and so will my hairdresser. I think it's worth the risk!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...