Thursday, June 4, 2020

I Like Thursday #54

Today is Thursday so it's time for some positive and happy posts. It's been tough this week. The news is bleak. Covid is still among us. I'll have to be honest and say I really had to hunt for anything positive and uplifting. I managed to find a few. We're all staying in more due to Covid. My husband likes to light a fire on our patio in the back yard. Here's his fire pit. Our neighbors have actually joined us. We've come to know them much better not just as neighbors, but friends. That's definitely positive!

I got my new issue of American Quilter. I just started looking through it. It looks good so far! This magazine rarely disappoints me. 

I made a few more masks for my family. This time, I used elastic from my disposable masks. I've washed them and they're fine. They're so much easier to use when compared to the ties. 

While sewing my Pineapple blocks, my iron just died. I knew I had a spare iron somewhere in the house. It took me awhile to find it, but I did and got to finish my sewing!

Those are my likes for the week. I hope everything calms down out there. I'm tired of turmoil. This year has not been the best so far. Let's hope for better times ahead. Please go visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more positive posts. Enjoy!


  1. Nice that the neighbors joined you. I know its scary out there. More covid and people not wearing masks. Today we have 2 protests in our city going on. Gonna be a long night

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I didn't realize you had protests so close. I heard we're having something tomorrow. It's scary to see so many businesses all boarded up. I hope it doesn't get too bad here.

  2. Neat that you were able to sit with neighbors...
    did you like your B&D iron--I am in the market for a new iron too. Would you get one again? I looked at Oliso's but they are so pricey and the reviews are not all that great....
    Thom tried to go for a walk in a local park and it was full of people not wearing masks or social is so disappointing...
    Have a peaceful time on your patio....hugs from afar Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I've only used the B&D once but it seemed fine. I wanted an Oliso too but so expensive. I'm not sure it's worth it. We had some awful storms this afternoon. It broke my umbrella!

  3. Nice fire pit. I like your masks. What a great reuse of the elastic! Upcycling at it's best. :-)

    1. Thanks, Sally! I suppose you just have to make the best of what you've got!

  4. Awe like your fire pit. I see the neighbors every day, oh it is my youngest daughter and her tribe. LOL I was thinking about reusing the elastic from my face masks at work. Glad you found a spare iron. I have 2, or 3, or maybe 4 or 5. OMG I am an iron hoarder.

    1. It's great to have a spare iron. You never know when you'll need it! I've washed the face masks with the elastic and it washes up fine. It's much faster than making your own ties.

  5. Nice patio and I’m glad you’re getting to know your neighbors. I have spare iron too-just in case

    1. Thanks, Mary. I'm just trying to find a few positives in a very negative time.

  6. Good likes during a rough week. Nice fire pit and patio and yeh for spare irons!!!

    1. Thanks, Michele! I'm so glad I found that spare iron!

  7. Your blocks are coming along so nicely! And I love the idea of reusing the elastic from the disposable masks. I forgot my fabric mask today so I'm having to wear a disposable one at work today and I don't like it nearly as well.

    1. Thanks, Shannon! I can't wear my fabric face mask at work.I'm stuck with the disposable mask that I have to use for a whole week. I don't like it either!

  8. I think it is wonderful that you have become friends with neighbours. I wonder how much of that is happening around the countries as a result of the isolation. Kudos for making masks!

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! I suppose there's always something good even during bad times.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks, Susie! I was proud of myself for coming up with it!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...