Monday, September 28, 2020

Something New


I just couldn't help myself. I started something new! I'm getting pretty tired of those Pineapple Blocks. This is a project from The Bonnie and Camille Quilt Bee book. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it for myself or a Christmas gift. I'll tell you what it is once I decide for sure! These blocks will finish at 6" square. That nine patch in the middle is made up of one inch squares. So tiny! I always love a challenge!

I'm not neglecting my Pineapple Blocks. I have these blocks in progress. When these 4 blocks are finished, I'll have 21 blocks left to make. Still a lot but I'm getting there!! I probably have enough scraps to make a few more of these quilts. Those scraps will never go away!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

I Like Thursday #70


It's Thursday and that means it's time for an uplifting post. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more inspiring posts. As you can see, the leaves are starting to change here. It was so cold at the beginning of the week but so much warmer today. We might reach 80 degrees! It's still officially Fall however as the leaves are reminding us.

I just got this book and love it! I love that cover quilt. It just may be my next big project. I still have a few projects to wrap up but it's definitely on my to-do list!

I went to Macy's a few days ago and noticed Christmas decorations! Isn't it too early?? It's pretty but we haven't even had Halloween yet!!

My son told me his girlfriend is knitting him a sweater. I looked through his room and found this sweater that I made him when he was around 3 years old. I even got baseball buttons. He looked so cute when he wore this. I miss that little boy. Anyways, I'm glad I saved it.

That's my week's likes! Have a wonderful weekend!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Still Working On It!


I'm still working on Pineapple Blocks! I feel like a broken record. (Remember those??!!) Anyways, I'm almost at 56 blocks. When those 4 blocks are finished in the picture, I'll have 25 left to go! It still sounds like a lot but better than the original 81 blocks!

I'm back to working on the second t-shirt quilt. I'm ironing on fusible interfacing. This quilt doesn't have as many blocks as the first quilt. There's a little border at the top and bottom of the quilt. I'm hoping it will be a quicker process to get this quilt ready for the longarm. 

What is wrong with blogger tonight? My pictures were so hard to add to this post. The sizes were all wrong. I thought it was supposed to be getting better not worse. Ugh. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

I Like Thursday #69


It's Thursday and time for a positive post. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to see more fun and inspiring posts. As you can see, we decorated the house for Fall. I supplied the wreath, my husband did the rest! He really enjoys working outside and keeping up our lawn. (I'm usually inside sewing!!) All the houses in my neighborhood seem to have their autumn decor on display. I thought it was a little early but I guess we're right on time.

I did buy this little decorated pumpkin for my family room. It's so cute! I found it at my grocery store!

Massachusetts had a tax-free weekend a few weeks ago. My husband wanted to replace his leather chair for awhile now. He found one he liked and it was delivered this past weekend. He loves it! It's much more comfortable than his older one. I guess that's what happens after almost 20 years of using the same chair!

It's been getting chilly around here but it's way too early to put the heat on. We use this little electric heater when we want to warm up a room. I think Lily likes it! She gets nice and toasty while she snoozes. She always looks so comfortable.

That's my week! I hope you all have a great weekend!  It's supposed to be very cool here. That's fine with me!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Pressing Matters


Even though I have many more blocks to make for my Pineapple Quilt, I'm thinking ahead to when I'll be sewing it together. I ironed the seams away from the center for the first 41 blocks. I started to press the last 2 rounds toward the middle for the remaining 40 blocks. As you see in this picture, the seams will all line up and it should be easier for me to sew together. (I hope!)

These blocks are still in progress. When these are finished, I'll have 52 blocks complete! I'm getting there a little bit at a time! Only 29 blocks left to make!  There is still no noticeable dent in my stash. Ugh!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

I Like Thursday #68


It's Thursday again so it's time for positive and uplifting posts! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun posts to read. I finally got the book 52 Weeks of Socks by Laine Publishing. This book came out at the beginning of the year but sold out so quickly that I couldn't get a copy. A second printing just became available. I love it! So many socks to knit! There are also some slipper patterns. I'm so glad I got my copy.

I bought this nifty pair of scissors. I love how they fold up! I'm not sure why I keep buying so many scissors. I just can't seem to resist them!

I usually read romantic comedies or historical fiction. I was able to borrow this book from my library app. It was surrounded by controversy when it was first published. I decided to read it even though it's outside my comfort zone. It's an account of a mother and son fleeing Mexico trying to make their way to the United States. It's totally fiction but so suspenseful. The journey is fraught with danger. I'm a little more than halfway through and can't put it down! I can't wait to see what happens.

My daughter started a new job in April. She was hired in March before the pandemic really got going. She went to work one day only, to pick up a laptop! She got this cute little package from her company yesterday. It's their way to acknowledge things aren't the greatest and thank you for your hard work. I'm hoping she shares!

I'm hoping you're all having a good week. It's so humid here today. I'm staying inside as much as I can!

Monday, September 7, 2020

More Blocks


Here are my Pineapple Blocks so far! I have 44 completely done and 4 more in progress. They measure 10.5 inches square to finish at 10 inches. I have 33 more blocks to make when these 48 blocks are completely finished. Ugh. Still a ways to go! I wish I could say my scraps are disappearing but no such luck! I have more than enough scraps.

This is the second t-shirt quilt I'm working on. I just received the fusible stabilizer I need to prepare the quilt for the longarm. There are less blocks in this quilt but more filler pieces. I'm not sure how to apply the stabilizer. I was thinking of making a long strip and just ironing it all the way across. We'll see when I get going. 

I hope you're having a nice holiday!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

I Like Thursday #67


It's Thursday so it's time for fun and uplifting posts. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to read more positive posts by other bloggers. Do you remember this trunk? I posted about it awhile ago.My mother received this trunk when she was a young girl. She recently got it back and renovated it. She painted it the color that was closest to the original finish.

She cleaned the interior and lined it with new paper. As you can see, I'm storing my quilts in it. My mother and I put them in there together this past Monday. She said it reminded her of when she was little and used to store her linens as well as other items in there. 

I bought this yarn the other day. Has anyone ever used it? It was on sale and I couldn't resist. I love the different colors included in one skein.

Speaking of yarn, I've been trying my hand at brioche knitting. This is the best sample I've made so far. These pictures show the 2 different sides of the same piece. Each size has a different dominant color. I have to learn increase and decrease before I can get to my brioche scarf project.


I just bought a summer wreath for my door! I hated the one I had up there all summer. I saw this one on sale and grabbed it! I like the way it looks. I won't have it up much longer but I'm all set for next year!

That's my likes for the week! Have a great Labor Day weekend! I'm off so it's good already!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Blocks and Binding


I'm moving right along with my Pineapple Blocks. When these blocks are done, I will have completed 44 blocks. I think I'm going to make 81 blocks so I can make my quilt measure 90" X 90".  I have enough scraps so that's not a problem! Haha!

These blocks are part of a secret project! They measure 8" square. I'm hoping to make a Christmas gift with some of these blocks. We'll see!

Binding baby is holding my binding for the t-shirt quilt. I hope to get that done this week. I'm still sewing down the binding on Long Time Gone. I also have to start backing the other t-shirt quilt with fusible interfacing which I just got in the mail.

As you can see, I'm keeping busy! That's how I like it!

Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...