Thursday, September 10, 2020

I Like Thursday #68


It's Thursday again so it's time for positive and uplifting posts! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color for more fun posts to read. I finally got the book 52 Weeks of Socks by Laine Publishing. This book came out at the beginning of the year but sold out so quickly that I couldn't get a copy. A second printing just became available. I love it! So many socks to knit! There are also some slipper patterns. I'm so glad I got my copy.

I bought this nifty pair of scissors. I love how they fold up! I'm not sure why I keep buying so many scissors. I just can't seem to resist them!

I usually read romantic comedies or historical fiction. I was able to borrow this book from my library app. It was surrounded by controversy when it was first published. I decided to read it even though it's outside my comfort zone. It's an account of a mother and son fleeing Mexico trying to make their way to the United States. It's totally fiction but so suspenseful. The journey is fraught with danger. I'm a little more than halfway through and can't put it down! I can't wait to see what happens.

My daughter started a new job in April. She was hired in March before the pandemic really got going. She went to work one day only, to pick up a laptop! She got this cute little package from her company yesterday. It's their way to acknowledge things aren't the greatest and thank you for your hard work. I'm hoping she shares!

I'm hoping you're all having a good week. It's so humid here today. I'm staying inside as much as I can!


  1. Hi Rosemary! That book of 52 different socks looks so fun and cool. As you make some you'll have to be sure to share with us. I hadn't heard about that book, but I will see if my library has it. And finally, that treat your daughter received from her new company is amazing. They must care very much for their employees. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Thanks, Roseanne! That book is amazing! I will definitely share when I start making socks.

  2. hope she shares with me too! Yum! Now that's a good company to recognize employees are humans. The book sounds great, I also usually read mysteries or historical.

    1. The chocolate chip cookies are already gone! I've got to sneak something out of that box!

  3. I used to have a pair of scissors like that. Loved them, too! What a nice thank you for your daughter. Appreciation like that can go a long way!

  4. Anyone who knits socks, or anything else for that matter, is amazing! I hope you enjoy your book! I haven’t read American Dirt, but I have seen it in Goodreads and Amazon!

    1. Thank you! That book is THE book for sock knitters! American Dirt is really good. I heard it will be made into a movie.

  5. What a sweet care package for your daughter from her new employment. I would think you could feel so unattached having gone only one day before Covid hit.

    1. The package was very nice. She only knows her co-workers from online meetings. She still has to meet most of them in person. They think they'll be back in the office January 2021.

  6. The book looks like an art book almost, who would imagine it is about knitting socks. I have a thing for scissors too. I wonder what it is about tiny scissors. Great thank you gift for the daughter.

  7. Love the scissors and love your knitting socks! Way to go! That's an interesting book cover! Wonderful gift for your daughter (did she share? LOL). Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Michele! My daughter has not shared yet. Actually, most of the goodies have already been eaten!

  8. I think we all have the little things wr love. For you I guess it is scissors. I have the same pair. They are safe for travel projects.

    1. I think you're right! I do like those scissors. Most of my other ones are pointy but these are nice and round.


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...