Thursday, August 11, 2022

I Like Thursday #152

It's time for I Like Thursday! Every week, LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color,  hosts us bloggers to write positive and uplifting posts. This week, we also have a prompt which is favorite food of summer. I do eat a lot of fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and native corn. However, my absolute favorite is lobster! It's so expensive this year so I've only had it a few times this summer. I love lobster rolls and fries. My absolute summer fave!

My husband just had this crossword framed. My daughter gifted his a personalized crossword puzzle for Christmas a few years ago. It's sort of funny since it shows how nutty my husband is but it was a very thoughtful gift! It even came with an answer key just in case in my husband didn't know the answer!

I love Atkinson Designs and loved the look of this table runner. I just had to buy the pattern. This pattern has 3 separate designs included. Those triangles look interesting!

I visited my closest friend whom I met while in college. She was 18 and I was 17 and it was 1975. We roomed together a few times over the years and then went our separate ways but would always talk to each other off and on. She lives about 75 miles away from me but I went to visit her and her new apartment. We had a great time and I think we both felt young again!

 The heat has broken but the humidity is here for one more day. I'm looking forward to some nice dry air. Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oh I love Lobster Rolls, that is the best thing about visiting New England, oh and visiting my friends there. That looks like a very neat pattern, and how fun to spend time with a long term friend.

    1. Thanks, Colette! I just went out last night and got another lobster roll!!

  2. Lobster is good stuff! That framed crossword - the gift that keeps on giving. What fun. and yay for catching up with your college friend!

    1. My husband was on vacation this past week and we had a fun time!

  3. That crossword was such a thoughtful gift! Love the pattern you picked up! What a wonderful thing to catch up with your college buddy! Great news!

    1. Thanks, Michele! My husband was off this past week and we've been able to enjoy it!

  4. Yes prices of summer treats has skyrocketed. Love the crossword idea. It's always nice to visit friends and catch up.


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