Thursday, August 25, 2022

I Like Thursday #154

It's time for I Like Thursday. Once a week, LeeAnna from Not Afraid of Color hosts a few of us bloggers to post happy and uplifting posts. This week's prompt is where do you go each summer to unwind  and recharge. We have always gone to Maine. This is the Maine coast in Ogunquit. We used to stay there for a week when the kids were little. Scott and I usually go for the day since it's not that far from home. It's always been a family favorite.

My daughter took this picture of a fox in the neighborhood. I see them every so often but not as of late. They're so pretty and I love baby fox! So cute!!

This is not takeout! I made beef and broccoli following a Paleo recipe. It came out so good! It tastes  just like the restaurant version. It was easy to make! Find the recipe at All The Healthy Things. 

 I'm reading this book and it's wonderful! 1958 was the last year that debutantes were presented by Queen Elizabeth. This is the story of what it's like to be a deb. There sure is a lot of  back stabbing and sabotage! So enjoyable!

Have wonderful weekend! It's hot and humid today but heard the weekend might be cooler! 


  1. Times sure have changed since the 50s!

    1. Yes, Angela, so true! It's fun to read about but glad we're past all that now.

  2. Maine is a beautiful place! Beef and broccoli looks good.

  3. Maine us such a I pretty state. The book sounds interesting

    1. We still have to get to Maine this year before winter comes. I love not working but the summer feels different. The urgency to do something isn't there anymore. Not a bad thing, I guess!!


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