Monday, October 30, 2023

A Couple of Finishes

I finished my border for Carrie Hall's Sampler Quilt. The directions suggested a border made of 2" blocks. I didn't have enough different solid fabrics to make a border. I had bought a dark blue fabric that I thought would look nice. I had enough left over of one background fabric so I decided to make a border using 3 strips of 2" each. There were variations of 9 patches in the quilt so I thought a traditional 9 patch in each corner would fit in. The quilt now measures approximately 74" X 84".

I ordered this wide backing for the applique quilt. I liked the idea of ivy since there are so many leaves and stems in the blocks. I bought this at Keepsake Quilting which is where I usually buy my backings. They have a huge variety and the prices are usually pretty good. 

I finished another Christmas ornament! It's so cute! I can't say who I made it for but I hope they like it! I still have to choose my next ornament. I have to make a few more and shouldn't delay much longer. I just need to decide!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

I Like Thursday #210

 It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more fun posts. My husband loves to decorate the house for Halloween. This skeleton is his latest purchase. He's so proud of finding weird and unique decorations. We have 2 of these guys, hanging on either side of the garage doors. I was a little surprised the first time I saw them. I wasn't expecting to see them!

We had a family birthday party for my daughter this past weekend. We had so much food! It was so fun. I love celebrating birthdays no matter what age you are! It should still be a celebration!

I made this block for my son's wedding quilt. It's the Card Trick block but it's called Delaware County in this project. It measures 12.5" square. This one was a little fussy to sew but it ended up fine.

I just finished this book and loved it! It's long (about 600 pages) but it was easy to read and kept me interested throughout. I highly recommend it. 

This week's prompt is ghosts. I've never seen one but I have felt the presence of deceased relatives around me. It's never scary to me. If anything, it's comforting. I like reading about people's experiences where they encounter ghosts or spirits. I do believe they exist. 

Have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!đź‘»

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Cross Stitch Ornaments

The Halloween Witch ornament is all done and just in time for Halloween! I had finished the cross stitch awhile ago but wasn't sure about finishing it. I read the directions a few times and finally figured it out. I used a glue gun which is definitely not my thing but it worked out. They had a foam piece with a sticky side that I put on the back of the cross stitch. Then, I had to baste the edges and gather the whole piece. I used the glue to stick it into the metal fluted pan. Done!!

I started this ornament over the weekend. That elf is so cute! This one will be faster I think. There isn't as much cross stitching in the background. I still have a few more ornaments I'd like to make. I hope I have enough time. That's the hard part!!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

I Like Thursday #209

It's time for Thursday likes! A bunch of us bloggers try to post happy and uplifting posts once a week. Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more blogs. This is block 13 of the State Fair Sampler. It's called Clarke County and measures 12.5" square. This block is made of half square triangles and strip sets. This is one of the easier blocks!

I'm making cross stitch Christmas ornaments as gifts so I decided to start early! This is the first one I've finished. It's a Christmas cardinal. It's quite small. It only measures about 2" X 3". I'm going to make all the ornaments first and then finish them all together. I'm amazed at how much the outlining stitch adds to this piece. It's just back stitching using a darker floss but it highlights and contours the objects in the piece. 

I tend to buy lots of magazines this time of year. I'm always looking for a new recipe to use at our holiday dinners. I've bought these 2 so far. I'll probably end up buying a few more. They're fun to look through and full of new ideas. 

This week, LeeAnna asked us about whether or not we've ever had our cards or palms read. I personally never have. However, years ago, I had just broken off an engagement after a long relationship and my mother was beside herself. She and my dad went somewhere and she saw a card reader. She went for a reading and the clairvoyant told her not to worry. I would get married and have a family. I guess she was right! I've always been afraid to have a reading in case I get bad news. I'm content to sit back and see what happens in real time!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Carrie Hall Sampler Quilt Top

I finished all my blocks for Carrie Hall's Sampler quilt and couldn't wait to make the quilt top! I'm so glad I stuck with this. Parts of this quilt went so slowly but I just kept on going. I'm happy with the results. It measures 65" X 75".

The pattern has directions for a pieced border made up of 2" squares. I'm not crazy about that border.  I bought this blue fabric and hope to come up with an idea to finish off this quilt. I was thinking of making 9 patches in each corner and making a border of the blue fabric as well as one of the light fabrics used in the quilt. I'm still deciding!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

I Like Thursday #208

It's time for a happy post! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up with more bloggers that take part in Thursday posts. I have finished the last block for the Carrie Hall Sampler Quilt. This is Rose of Sharon that measures 25" square. I can't believe I'm done! I'm working on putting the quilt top together. I'm making a little strip to even another block and then I'll be able to put the whole quilt together! I've bought the batting but need to decide on borders and backing. 

We've all heard about banned books. I saw this display at the library and thought I'd share it. I can't believe books like "To Kill a Mockingbird" as well as "Anne Frank's Diary" are among the banned books. I always consider them classics. I read them when I was younger and still enjoy them. I will never understand! I think our job is to keep reading them! I know that's what I'll be doing. 

I finished another block for the State Fair quilt. This one is called Benton County. It measures 12.5" square. The points were a bit challenging but it's done! I'm on to the next block! I'm not even halfway through. I feel like I've been working on this quilt for ages! This is going to be one big quilt.

We put out the cat's Halloween house. Lily seemed to enjoy sitting in it. I think it's so funny that the cats know this is for them to play in! They've been really biting this one. Maybe that's a sign they like it!!

That's been my week! Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, October 9, 2023

Two More Blocks!

I finished 2 more blocks for my son and future daughter-in-law's quilt. This block is called Sioux County. It measures 16.5" square. This is the last of the large blocks. From now on, the blocks will be 12.5" or 8.5" square. Phew! The big blocks are done! This one wasn't too bad but there were lots of flying geese, as you can see! I like using the method of making 4 at a time. What I don't like is that they're not always the most accurate. I like to make my pieces a little bigger and then cut down to size. 

This block is called Appanoose County. It measures 12.5" square. This one was so easy compared to some of the other blocks. I'm hoping many of the remaining blocks will be easier but who knows! I'm officially 1/3 of the way done since there's a total of 36 blocks. Getting there! 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

I Like Thursday #207

 It's time for our Thursday likes. LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color is our weekly hostess. Please visit her to view more happy posts. Our front door is all set for Fall. Too bad the weather isn't cooperating. It's supposed to be close to 80 today. I think we got as high as 83 yesterday. The cool weather is on it's way. I'll believe it when I see it. (Or feel it!) It's even humid today! I'm having a bad hair day.

I've been working on Oopsie Daisie, the leaders and enders block from Bonnie Hunter. I have 26 blocks made. I like how they look all together. This is such a great way of using those pesky leftover fabrics. It's a pretty pattern and I think all fabrics will look good together so you just can't go wrong!

I just had to take this picture yesterday. I was over at my mom's house and the sky was just breath taking! That blue is my absolute favorite. You can't get better than what Mother Nature gives us! 

I finished these a while back and forgot to post them. My daughter gave me the yarn for Christmas. I'm all set for Winter now! This yarn was so soft and easy to knit. I got the hat pattern on Ravelry and the mitten pattern from one of Laine's knitting books. 

Have a wonderful long weekend! I hope the weather cooperates for you wherever you are.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Kossuth County & Sneak Peek!

I made another block over the weekend. We were having problems with our hot water heater which was old and needed to be replaced. While the plumbers were here, I snuck into my sewing room and kept out of the way! Kossuth County is the 9th block of the State Fair Sampler quilt. It measures 16.5" square. This block reminds me of tiles. It came out good but lots of points to match up! Happy this one is done.


This is the last block of Carrie Hall's Sampler Quilt. It measures 20" square. I started by getting the bias strips appliqued. I'm still working on the large flower and have leaves as well as 2 buds that are ready for applique. I'm taking my time with this last block. I can't believe this quilt top is almost finished!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...