Thursday, October 26, 2023

I Like Thursday #210

 It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more fun posts. My husband loves to decorate the house for Halloween. This skeleton is his latest purchase. He's so proud of finding weird and unique decorations. We have 2 of these guys, hanging on either side of the garage doors. I was a little surprised the first time I saw them. I wasn't expecting to see them!

We had a family birthday party for my daughter this past weekend. We had so much food! It was so fun. I love celebrating birthdays no matter what age you are! It should still be a celebration!

I made this block for my son's wedding quilt. It's the Card Trick block but it's called Delaware County in this project. It measures 12.5" square. This one was a little fussy to sew but it ended up fine.

I just finished this book and loved it! It's long (about 600 pages) but it was easy to read and kept me interested throughout. I highly recommend it. 

This week's prompt is ghosts. I've never seen one but I have felt the presence of deceased relatives around me. It's never scary to me. If anything, it's comforting. I like reading about people's experiences where they encounter ghosts or spirits. I do believe they exist. 

Have a great weekend and a Happy Halloween!👻


  1. That's a great skeleton! They are everywhere around our town this year - in people's yards, even in my mom's assisted living building. Looks like your birthday dinner was fun, and lots of yummy food! I like Kate Morton's books, too! I wonder if I've read that one.

    1. Thanks, Diann! This is my first Kate Morton book. I'll definitely be reading more!

  2. I love that skeleton. There's some fantastic decorated houses around here. Interesting block - I'll like to see how the quilt comes along.

    1. Thanks, Sally. I'll be halfway done with blocks after I make 2 more. I'll have to take a picture of all the blocks so far.

  3. Gosh I do love the lime green in your latest block!

    1. Thank you! The solid colors are really shining in this quilt.

  4. Neat decorations and I love that block. Interesting how they have different names sometimes. What a great celebration you had with a feast it seems. Family times are the best!

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! I agree about family celebrations. Best times ever!!

  5. Yes to celebrating birthdays! I am all for celebrating whatever we can!

    1. Me too! So many friends say their families don't do that anymore. I think that's sad.


I Like Thursday #261 (Late!!)

I'm so late posting for I Like Thursday. Once a week, a group of bloggers post fun and happy likes. Please visit LeeAnna at  Not Afraid ...