Thursday, April 11, 2024

I Like Thursday #230

 It's time for I Like Thursday! I posted quite a few pictures of the baby quilt I had recently made. Well, here it is being given to the parents-to-be at their baby shower! They're such a nice couple. I hope they use this quilt and enjoy their baby. It was so nice for my future daughter-in-law to send me this picture from the baby shower. 

My son travelled to northern New Hampshire to catch the solar eclipse in totality. This is one of the pictures he sent me. So great to see! He thinks that's Venus below the sun. I have no idea. He went up the night before and stayed at a friend's house. The day of the eclipse they went to the house of a friend's aunt where they could sit and watch the eclipse. It took him almost 12 hours to get back home! The highways were completely jammed with traffic. At one point, they were travelling at 2mph! He was dropped off at a nearby town where his fiancee picked him up. He got one hour of sleep before he had to start working.

Alaska is coming along quite nicely! The first two rows are sewn together. The third row is complete but has to be sewn to the top two rows. It's slow but steady. It's only 7 rows so it shouldn't take too long. I still have to figure out the border. 

I like reading the old classics every so often. I just finished this one yesterday. It was quite wordy but worth it! It was interesting to see how much society has changed over the years, especially to women. The main character is in a bad marriage and wants to support herself and her son. Divorce is never mentioned. She has no way out and would have to run away to get away from her husband. Times have certainly changed!

That was my week! Make sure to visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more fun blogs to read. Have a great weekend!


  1. From the look on the parents-to-be faces, I'd say the loved the quilt. It is so pretty. Your son sure went through a lot to experience the eclipse but he got a nice photo. I imagine he thinks it was worth it. The Alaska quilt is coming along nicely. I enjoy reading old classics as well. There is a gal on Etsy/IG/FB called Stitching Book Club. She picks a classic for everyone to read and she sells a cross stitch pattern to stitch along while reading. There are book discussions, questions, etc. just like a regular book club. I've done a couple and they are fun.

    1. Thanks, Jeanna! I'm going to look into that Book Club. It sounds like something I'd really like!

  2. Yes, Alaska is moving right along and beautifully, Rosemary. And how sweet to have that photo of your lovely quilt at the party. I'm sure they will cherish it. I got to see the eclipse when Beth brought over the special glasses. It was quite something for sure.

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! I think the eclipse was so fun to watch even if we weren't in the area of totality. We had ordered our special glasses but they were delayed in shipping. We got them 2 hours before the eclipse started. Perfect timing!


Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

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