Thursday, April 18, 2024

I Like Thursday #231

 Welcome to I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna to link up with more fun bloggers. I've been diligently working on my son's wedding quilt. It's been a little difficult but this one came out beautifully so I thought I'd share. Natalia Bonner very graciously shares her quilting on her YouTube channel. She has helped me come up with ideas so often over the years. This was her idea on quilting an octagon shape.

We've had a warm and sunny week. The trees are getting their leaves, My lilacs should be opening any day now. Unfortunately, it's sort of cold today. I'm hoping we get the sun and higher temperatures in the coming days. My kitchen window is right above the lilac plant. I love smelling them when I open that window.

I just started reading this book. It weighs in at a hefty 577 pages! I watched the movie awhile ago and thought it would be fun to read. It was published in 1958 and chronicles the lives of a 5 women working in New York City. There are scandals, relationships and heartbreak. It reminds me of a soap opera which I'm sure I'll enjoy.

Our prompt this week is whether you prefer chewy or crispy. I'll have to say it depends on what food we're talking about. I love chewy chocolate chip cookies. But, I love thin and crispy pizza crust! I suppose my answer is both! I guess that's not really a decision but that's how I feel. There's too much food out there to pick.

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. The quilting looks very nice. I'm looking forward to seeing it all done. It is going to be stunning, I'm sure. I'm same as you regarding chewy or crispy. It depends on the food.

    1. Thank you, Jeanna! I'm almost half done that quilt so I feel a little better about it. I'm getting used to the variety of blocks. It's hard to stick with just chewy or crispy. Too much good food out there!!

  2. Nice quilting. We're way behind you - we just have a few buds on the lilacs. Blooms are a long ways away. I want that cookie!

  3. Beautiful quilting lines! I have a few daffodils just poking out of the ground which is good as the weather is still unsettled. Enjoy your blooms and smells. Thank you for mentioning Rona's work...I've admired her writing in the long ago past and I'm going to check out what the local library has of hers. My that cookie looks so good, I want one too. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much, Jocelyn! It's strange how Spring takes forever to get here. It will be hot and humid before we know it! Rona Jaffe writes the type of books I enjoy. I know they're old but still good.

  4. I was here last week but can't leave a comment unless I visit on chrome, and that's another step more time at the computer and hard right now. Love your list and you for being one of the grateful's


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