Thursday, July 4, 2024

I Like Thursday #241

Happy 4th of July!!🎆It's a beautiful day here in Massachusetts. The sun is shining and it's warming up. Our cookout will be on the small side today. My kids are off with their significant others. My mom will come later. We'll still be cooking on the grill. My husband is making crabcakes. I can't wait to eat!

Our beautiful hydrangeas are starting to bloom! The blue is just gorgeous. I look forward to seeing them every year. 

My daughter got me a cross stitch kit this past Christmas. It makes a gingerbread house Christmas ornament. This is the first section. I've never worked with metallic thread and I didn't enjoy it! It came out fine but shredded so easily! 

This is Lily at the vet's office yesterday. She thought if she stayed in the back of the carrier, the vet wouldn't find her! Lily has a nasty UTI and lost some weight. She got an IV antibiotic that will treat her for 14 days so I don't need to give her oral meds. Let's hope it works! They couldn't culture her urine since the sample wasn't big enough. They did find bacteria but not sure which one. I hope she's better soon.

Have a great holiday! Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more bloggers taking part in I Like Thursday!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Alaska Completed!!

Alaska is done! I added the final borders yesterday. It measures 90" square. I'm thrilled with this finish! I'm happy to have added that pieced border so I can use it on my bed. It will take me awhile to figure out how to quilt it and get the backing and batting. I was thinking of getting wool batting so the quilting shows up more. I'll have to decide for sure once I do a little research into batting. 

Say a little prayer for my cat, Lily. I have to bring her to the vet. I suspect she may have a UTI. I think she'll be fine once she's on antibiotics, if she ends up needing them. I hate that animals get old so fast.


I Like Thursday #241

Happy 4th of July!!🎆It's a beautiful day here in Massachusetts. The sun is shining and it's warming up. Our cookout will be on the ...