Monday, July 29, 2024

Two Project Updates

My table runner is finished! It didn't take long to quilt. I'm used to large quilts so it was a pleasure to quilt something smaller and quicker. I used straight lines and arcs in the squares. I quilted a similar pattern in the black stars. These stars are similar to sawtooth stars but there is more fabric where the flying geese are sewn next to the black square. I think they're supposed to be a little more whimsical than sawtooth stars. I think you can see more detail if you click on the picture.

My cross stitch came out a little larger than expected. I added some rick rack and borders so now it measures 9" square. I think it's a little too large to be an ornament. I plan on quilting the border and making it into a little wall hanging. I made this for my future daughter-in-law who loves anything Halloween. She can use this as part of her decorations for her favorite holiday. I think it's so cute! I hope she loves it too!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Like Thursday #244

 It's time for I Like Thursday. A bunch of us bloggers post happy and fun content every week. Please visit LeeAnna to link up to other blogs. Well, I finished a few large quilt projects lately so of course, I started a new project! This is just a table runner using a charm pack. The fabrics are all cat related! The pattern is by Doug Leko from his first Tabletastic book. The final measurement will be 4" X 48". I wanted something new for my kitchen table. It's already on my longarm and partially quilted. I'll have it finished in no time!

This is our first batch of refrigerator pickles using our own cucumbers from our garden. They're so good! I look forward to these every year.  These go fast so I hope we have enough for another batch.

My husband had a big birthday last month so I just had to make him this cake! He wasn't too happy with the big 70 displayed on the cake. I told him it's just a number. We all enjoyed eating the cake! The cake, and the number, disappeared quickly!

I used to love going on road trips. I enjoyed them when I was young but also after having my kids. My mom and dad always loved going to the White Mountains in New Hampshire. We would drive on the Kancamagus Highway which was quite scenic. When I had my family, we would go to Maine a lot. There are some nice areas with small shops that we liked to visit. We mostly did day trips but we did also stay in Maine for a week years ago. We drove to Acadia National Park and stayed there for awhile.
It was so fun!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Borders On!

 Oopsie Daisy is done! The borders are on! The first border measure 2" and the second border measures 4".  The quilt now measures 93" square. This quilt had a lot of seams to match up. It was a slow process to sew together but it's done! It's made up of 81 squares that measure 9" square. This quilt top is made up completely of fabrics I found in my stash. It's a true scrap quilt!

I also finished stitching this cute little cross stitch Halloween ornament. I think it's a baby possum who's an apprentice witch. My future daughter-in-law will love it. I still have to finish it. I might sew some Halloween fabric around it as a border. I still have to figure that out. I just think it's so cute! This is from the Just Cross Stitch Halloween issue. There are so many great ornaments to choose from!

It's hot and humid again. It's cloudy and may rain. This is a great day to stay inside and sew!!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I Like Thursday #243

Welcome to I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna to link up to blogs taking part in posting happy content once a week. We went out to dinner last weekend and I got a Summer Sangria. It was delicious! It was light with blueberries added to it. It really did remind me of summer!!

I don't know if any of you watched Stanley Tucci on CNN a few years ago where he would sample Italian food in the different regions of Italy. I found a recipe for his favorite pasta, Spaghetti alla Nerano. You can find the recipe here. There are a few things I would change for next time. I heard it's better if you make the zucchini the night before. I used provolone cheese but I might change it to romano or parmesan. Other than that, it's a great recipe and doesn't take long to make. 

Our vegetable garden is doing great! Our tomatoes are growing like crazy. There are lots of cucumbers as well. We're still waiting on the eggplant.

I've been to a ton of out door concerts when I was in college. They were such a long time ago. I just remember thinking how fun it was being outside with so many people listening to some great music. However, we're going to see Def Leppard, Journey and Heart next month at Fenway Park. I can't wait! I'll tell you all about it after the show. It's to commemorate our 40th anniversary. My kids and their partners will be with us. I can't wait!!

Stay cool and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Oopsie Daisy Top

 It's hot and miserable but I did manage to sew all the blocks together for Oopsie Daisy. Our air conditioning is working but I still get hot. As I was piecing this quilt, just a portion of the quilt top laying on me made me hot. I'm hoping this heat gives us a break soon! Anyways, this quilt measures 81.5" square. I still have to figure out what to for borders.

This is the fabric I ordered for the backing. I liked that it's daisies which is the name of the quilt! I thought it would be a great choice! I'll be quilting a pantograph on this one. I have a few new ones I'd like to try. 

I'm just hoping it cools off soon! I'm sick of this heat! (Remind me that I said this in January!)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

I Like Thursday #242

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more bloggers posting likes for the week. It's so hot and humid but our yard looks great! My husband put out the bird bath and the ceramic garden cat. That's a great spot for a cat - right in front of the bird bath! It probably make my cats jealous. By the way, Lily is doing much better. I have to take her to the vet next week for a urinalysis but I can see a huge improvement. I hope her infection is all cleared up.

I've been working on the Halloween ornament for my future daughter in law. I chose this little baby possum witch on the left. I thought it was so cute! I changed up the colors a little bit but the picture on the right shows my progress so far. That broom took forever to stitch. There are 4 different browns in it and they all looked alike! The swirls were much easier and quicker!

My husband made this lemon pie in his cast iron skillet. It was so good! He got a new skillet with a cookbook for Christmas so he decided to try out this recipe. I hope he continues to try out those recipes! I hate to cook in the summer. It's so hot and I'm never as hungry. (Not necessarily a bad thing!)

Our prompt this week is what is your favorite summertime drink. I drink lots of ice water in the summer. It's easy since we have ice and water available in the refrigerator door. However, I do enjoy iced coffee in the summer. I don't drink it too late in the day but I just love it! I also like iced tea occasionally but coffee is my favorite!

Have a great weekend and stay cool!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Oopsie Daisie Quilt 6 Rows

It's hot, humid and hazy outside. It's hard to sew in this weather. Although we do have central air conditioning, I feel more lazy than usual. I have managed to sew 6 rows for the Oopsie Daisie quilt. I still have to sew the sixth row to the first 5 rows. I'll try this afternoon. It's fun seeing this quilt come together. Without borders, the quilt should measure 81" square. I'll be adding borders but not sure as to width or colors yet. I have 3 rows left to sew together.

I just bought this magazine. My future daughter-in-law loves Halloween so I'll make her something for her birthday in September. There are so many nice patterns that it will be difficult to decide what to make! These patterns are so fun!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

I Like Thursday #241

Happy 4th of July!!🎆It's a beautiful day here in Massachusetts. The sun is shining and it's warming up. Our cookout will be on the small side today. My kids are off with their significant others. My mom will come later. We'll still be cooking on the grill. My husband is making crabcakes. I can't wait to eat!

Our beautiful hydrangeas are starting to bloom! The blue is just gorgeous. I look forward to seeing them every year. 

My daughter got me a cross stitch kit this past Christmas. It makes a gingerbread house Christmas ornament. This is the first section. I've never worked with metallic thread and I didn't enjoy it! It came out fine but shredded so easily! 

This is Lily at the vet's office yesterday. She thought if she stayed in the back of the carrier, the vet wouldn't find her! Lily has a nasty UTI and lost some weight. She got an IV antibiotic that will treat her for 14 days so I don't need to give her oral meds. Let's hope it works! They couldn't culture her urine since the sample wasn't big enough. They did find bacteria but not sure which one. I hope she's better soon.

Have a great holiday! Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more bloggers taking part in I Like Thursday!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Alaska Completed!!

Alaska is done! I added the final borders yesterday. It measures 90" square. I'm thrilled with this finish! I'm happy to have added that pieced border so I can use it on my bed. It will take me awhile to figure out how to quilt it and get the backing and batting. I was thinking of getting wool batting so the quilting shows up more. I'll have to decide for sure once I do a little research into batting. 

Say a little prayer for my cat, Lily. I have to bring her to the vet. I suspect she may have a UTI. I think she'll be fine once she's on antibiotics, if she ends up needing them. I hate that animals get old so fast.


Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...