Monday, September 30, 2024

Quilting Pumpkin Trio


I finished my Pumpkin Trio table runner over the weekend. The borders were a little tricky. The directions called to trim the strip of rectangles on both ends to fit the runner. I decided to just fool around with the seam allowance so they would fit. I wasn't off by very much. I like that each rectangle is the same size and not just chopped off in the corners.

I don't really have a quilting plan in mind since this isn't a very large project. I decided to bisect each rectangle and make my lines with arcs on either side. They're highly visible on some fabrics and so hard to see on other fabrics but I like the look where you can see it.

I quilted arcs again in the middle of this 9 patch. The 4 colorful sides were quilted with wish bones.

I quilted a leaf in each of the pieced leaves. This one was pretty easy to figure out. I'm still not sure what to do with the background. I could quilt a simple meander or little loops. I'm still working it out. I'll probably save the background for last. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

I Like Thursday #252

It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more blogs. My husband has decorated the house for Fall. He buys mums and pumpkins and transforms our yard into an Autumn Wonderland. It's always sad to see the Summer plants taken down. I love Fall but hate that Winter will follow. Winter is my least favorite season.

My table runner is all sewn together except for the border. It measure 17.5" X 45.5". The borders are cut but not sewn together yet.

I bought this fabric for the table runner backing. I'm not sure why I love this fabric but I do! I love the the way the pumpkins and gourds are depicted. 

The prompt this week asks us what is our favorite fall scent. I must admit I just love pumpkin spice. I love the coffee and the bread. However, by the end of the season, I've grown tired of it and am ready to move on! (Christmas is right around the corner by then!)

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope Helene doesn't bother any of you!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Making Pumpkins

 I bought this kit last week to make the Pumpkin Trio table runner. I started making it this past Friday. There are only 8 steps so I think it's going to be a quick project. It came with all the fabric needed for the top. Finished size is 21" X 51".

Here are my 3 pumpkins so far! The kit includes a charm pack so it was pretty easy to make the smaller pumpkins that are made from 4 charms. The smaller pumpkins are 9.5" square but the larger pumpkin is 12.5" square.

I have the next step all ready to go! I made one but have 3 blocks left to make. I think the next step is just putting the whole thing together. I'll post a picture when I'm done! This will be nice to have ready on my table soon.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

I Like Thursday #251

 It's time for I Like Thursday! It looks like our leaves are starting to change color. This is the woods in my backyard. It seems to start with just a few leaves and then all of a sudden, color is everywhere! It's been warm and dry here but I hear our temperatures are going to decline. The leaves will probably change even faster!

I forgot I had received a gift certificate to a local quilt shop. I finally went there and bought this table runner kit. I don't have a pumpkin runner and always wanted one. I can't wait to make it!

I bought this fabric for the backing of my Christmas table runners. I actually bought extra since I thought it was so pretty! I'll probably be quilting then next.

I was a little surprised to find Molly pressed up against the screen of this open window! I was a little afraid she was going to put so much pressure on the screen, that she would spill out of the window! She was actually fine the whole time. 

Make sure to visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up with more happy and fun blogs!
Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Christmas Cross Stitch

 I just finished this cute little cross stitch Christmas ornament. It measures a little under 4" square. I just love it! It's so cute and was pretty easy to make. I still have to make it into an actual ornament but I'm going to wait until I get all my ornaments cross stitched. (Is that a verb??)

I've also been working on my Gingerbread House ornament. It just needs a roof! That's the next step. It's feels good to have the pieces put together. I'm having so much fun making these cute little ornaments. I'm making this ornament for me! It's taken long enough! I'm so glad I started cross stitching again. It's very relaxing and enjoyable!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Baby Quilt

I just finished the quilting on this baby quilt. It was such a pleasure to quilt this. It was mostly free motion quilting loops with a little ribbon candy thrown in. My longarm has just been cleaned and was a joy to use. The tension was perfect and the thread never broke once. 

Here's a close up of the quilt. I'm not sure who will be receiving this quilt but I hope they love it as much as I do! It measures 46" X 61". It just needs binding. It's time for another project!


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Christmas projects

I finished my second Christmas table runner over the weekend. I'm not sure if I like one better than the other! They're both so similar. They measure 16" X 40". I started quilting the baby quilt on the longarm so I'll quilt these after that. I have no idea how I'll be quilting them but I'll figure it out eventually!

I have 4 sides done for the cross stitch gingerbread house ornament. It's hard to see but I added beads and buttons to enhance the cross stitching. I have to work on the roof next. It's just one piece of felt but I have to add beads and thread to make it look like it's quilted. I don't usually make crafts so this is a little different for me. I never think of sewing or cross stitching as crafts. Maybe I'll become more crafty!! Haha!!


Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Like Thursday #250

It's time for I Like Thursday. A bunch of us bloggers post happy and fun content once a week. Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more blogs. I started a new table runner. I finished one last week but the blocks were a little different. The blocks are exactly the same but this block has the snowman fabric as the focal point. Last week's table runner had the red batik more prominent. I thought it would be fun to swap the colors. These blocks measure 12.5" square and are easy to whip up using 4 at a time half square triangles. I love quick projects!

The student I tutor just returned from a vacation to Switzerland. She brought me this nice box of chocolates. I've already sampled a few! So good! She and her family are from South Korea. They travel every chance they get! It was so nice of her to think of me.

I've noticed these little yellow birds hanging around my house all summer. I think they're yellow finches but my husband calls them parakeets. There's always a bunch of them around my house. This is the first year I've seen so many of them so frequently. They must like my yard!

Our prompt this week asks what calming exercises we use to relieve stress. I walk a lot! I walk at least 5 miles per day. I use my FitBit and keep track of my steps. There are certain situations that make me nervous and that's when I take deep breaths and count. I'm not as stressed as when I worked. I think I feel better now that I'm retired. It's still nice to have techniques handy for those times you need them.

Have a great weekend! The weather has been great lately. I just hope it keeps up.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Christmas Table Runner

 I finished my Christmas table runner. It measures about 16" X 40". I loved making this quick project. I've already started another one! This time, the snowman fabric will be the main focus. We'll see how that turns out! I won't be quilting anything until the weekend. I'm finally having my longarm cleaned and serviced. I was surprised to see that it's been over 4 years since the last time I had it done. Time sure gets away from us! Anyways, my appointment is for Thursday and he's coming to my house. It should only take a couple of hours. I'm almost afraid to see how much lint is inside that machine!

I did a little shopping on Labor Day. I went to Barnes & Noble and got this great magazine. There are always a ton of nice patterns in these issues. I had a nice and quiet Labor Day. I'm so glad to be retired and don't have to go back to work! 

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...