Thursday, July 4, 2019

I Like Thursday #8/Happy 4th of July!

Image may contain: food and indoor

I made this little flag quilt years ago. It's sort of faded but I still hang it every 4th of July! 

Image may contain: table and outdoor

I'l be getting the deck ready soon for our 4th of July feast! It's already hot and muggy out but that's what summer is all about up here in New England! If it gets too hot, we'll probably eat inside. My poor husband will be near the grill most of the day cooking up our dinner. He usually takes another shower before we eat, after the food is cooked! 

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This is the latest book I'm reading. I like it so far. I'm not that much into it. I track my books on Goodreads. It's a great website for readers. Check it out if you haven't tried it yet.

Image may contain: table and indoor

I have my slab table runner out. It reminds me of spring and summer. This was a fun project a group of us made together. It was Dawn's idea whose been having problems with her blog. She has a new blog called Relaxing Robin if you'd like to follow her. I missed her so much but I'm happy she's back!

Those are my likes for the week! I hope you all enjoy your Fourth of July festivities. I'll be linking over with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color if you'd like to see more happy and positive posts.


  1. I like your table runner. I thought your flag was just all pastels (it faded very evenly). Goodreads is great! I love managing my reading through that. :-)

  2. Love that flag with its muted colours and also your spring and summer pinks in your table runner.
    Rosemary, sounds like a wonderful July 4th is happening at your place. Hope it's not too hot and enjoy it all!

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn! I'm hoping for a nice holiday as well. As hot as it is, I don't think we'll be getting any rain which is a good thing!

  3. sounds like a fun gathering for tonight! The table and porch look inviting. The little flag is cute! let us know if the book turns out to be great. I am on goodreads but don't really know how to best use it. LeeAnna

    1. Thanks, LeeAnna! I like to read the book reviews on Goodreads. I keep track of what books I've read as well as what books I plan on reading. They also have quite a few book giveaways. Happy 4th!!

  4. Just love your flag--the fact that it's faded makes it look so old-timey--just like out 4th of July celebration (with the exception of the fandango in Washington DC today--ugh!!) Hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I'm not watching that DC extravaganza either. Not my cup of tea!

  5. Great flag. It is a lazy day here, so I am sewing. I love goodreads!

    1. Thank you! I did a little sewing myself this morning! It turned out to be a nice holiday.

  6. Hope you are enjoying your 4th of July meal, whether it's indoors or out! That little flag quilt is wonderful - I love its colors. Happy Independence Day, Rosemary!

    1. We had a great dinner! I think we have enough leftovers for a few days. We ended up eating indoors. It was just too hot to enjoy our meal out there. Hope you had a good holiday too!

  7. Love your flag and your runner. That was fun and mine will get some handquilting i think.
    We stayed indoors too

  8. What a fun table runner and flag!! Your quilt is coming along so nicely!!! Hope you are having a fun weekend!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...