Saturday, November 27, 2021

Rhododendron Trail Mystery Part 1

I decided to join Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt this year. I've done it before but it's been a few years. This year she is inspired by a trail that she walks. The colors were pinks, garnets, yellows and neutrals as well as one fabric for aqua. The clue this week was to make 31 of 4 matching half square triangles using pinks and neutrals. This week didn't take me too long. I'm sure some weeks will be tougher. (Not looking forward to those!)


Since I'm only making 4 half square triangles, I opted to use the 2-at-a-time method. I cut out 3" squares of both the neutral and the pink. I drew a line diagonally across the back of the neutral and sewed 1/4" from the marked line.

After cutting on that line and a quick ironing, I used my Bloc-Loc ruler to cut it down to the proper size. This ruler is the best! The diagonal lip fits right over the seam line. It makes my cutting so much more accurate.

Part 1 is done! Part 2 will be released on Friday. I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I pulled a couple of pink scraps and cut some blocks. But I am still working on the strings part from last year. LOL I wonder which one I will finish first? Love your pinks.

    1. Her quilts can get labor intensive. I totally understand about putting it away for another time. I hope this one doesn't get too bad.

  2. Oh I am so looking forward to following your "mystery" journey on this one..Hugs, julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! It's always fun to see the final reveal!

  3. Gorgeous color selections!!! Looking forward to seeing your quilt progress! Have a wonderful day!


I Like Thursday #267

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs taking part in I Like Thursd...