Monday, December 20, 2021

Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt Part 4


This week was Part 4 of the Rhododendron Trail Mystery Quilt. I had to make about a thousand (not really!) hourglass blocks. 

I made a test batch before I really started making them. I wanted to make sure my method worked and the size was correct. 

I placed one light and one dark square together. I drew my diagonal line and sewed on either side. Once it was sewn, I cut on the diagonal line I drew as well as the other diagonal. I didn't make a line for the second cut. I just tried not to move them on the cutting mat.

Each square gives you 4 triangles made up of 2 colors. 

I paired them together so I would get a very scrappy look. I tried to keep all four fabrics different in each hourglass block. I made mine larger and then trimmed them down to size. I finished them yesterday. No clue until the Monday after Christmas. It's so nice to be all caught up! I know we're making lots of these pieces every week but it's sort of fun. I try to think of ways to make the process quicker. I feel like my very own assembly line! Someone said we're close to 50% done. I'm not sure if that's true but it's going fast!


  1. That is a lot of trimming!! BH's mysteries seem to involve lots of pieces..nice work hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I guess some quilters have complained that she likes to use small pieces too much. BH wasn't happy to hear it!

  2. Looking swell! Can't wait to see you quilt together!!

    1. Thanks, Michele! I wonder what the final pattern will look like!


I Like Thursday #267

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs taking part in I Like Thursd...