Sunday, November 5, 2023

More Blocks from State Fair Sampler

I haven't been on line too much lately. I made the mistake of getting the Covid vaccine, flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine all at once. It was nice to get it over with but I didn't feel good for a few days. I had a 101 temperature the next night. I was also busy with hair appointment, tutoring and bringing my mother for her own Covid and flu vaccine. I'm fine now but not sure I'll do that again! I have been working on the blocks for my son's wedding quilt. I thought we'd have a little catch up! This one is called Dubuque County. They all measure 12.5" square in this post. I made the 4-patch units by sewing strips together so this block was quick.

This one is called Emmet County. I used paper piecing to make this block. There were 2 units that were made 4 times each and then put together. I use freezer paper so I don't have to rip out any paper. I prefer this method over all other paper piecing.

This one is called Hancock County. There were lots of seams and points to match up. I'm lucky it came out this good!

This is Monona County. This one is made up of half square triangles as well as quarter square triangles. Once I made the units, it was quick to put together. 

I'll be cutting another block this afternoon. I need to get used to the time change. I was so hungry but I couldn't figure out why! That hour can make a huge difference! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Just such lovely blocks you've made, Rosemary!! this quilt will be another beauty!!:)))
    We were both quite ill from the Covid shot even though we had the flu shot separately...I still believe that this whole Covid event has permanently altered my taste buds...nothing tastes all that good!

    This time change is such a pain--nothing feels at the right time--
    sleep, eating, etc. I've always called this week "The Cranky-Pants" week ;0000--my DH dreaded it as all his school students were "off"...
    Hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you!! I know so many people not willing to get covid or flu vaccines anymore. I know they're not fun but I feel I'm protected even though I get so sick. I know what you mean about nothing tasting good. It took me almost a week to get back to normal. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates this time change. I hate the early sunset. So sad!!!!


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...