Thursday, December 29, 2022

I Like Thursday #171

I can't believe it's already Thursday but it is! Welcome to I Like Thursday. Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up with more like minded posts. Christmas is over for another year but I'm still enjoying some of the great desserts leftover from the holiday. Every year I make a holiday themed cake. This year it was gingerbread cake. I found the recipe on Pinterest and it worked out great. I think we have one piece left!

These desserts were made by my mother. These 2 desserts are made from the same dough. The one up front are called wandi. The dough is cut into strips, knotted and deep fried. Sugar is sprinkled over the top. I think I've posted them in the past. The plate in the back is called struffoli. It's the same dough but it's made into balls, deep fried and smothered in honey and sprinkles. I have some wandi left but the struffoli are gone! This is considered traditional Christmas sweets in Italy where my mother grew up.

I did manage to get a little quilting done. I made 2 piano key borders. I really love how they look with the string blocks. I have to make 2 more borders but also need to make 4 corner blocks. 

 I started a little wall hanging for my sewing room. It's a paper pieced project. The first part is the little kitty. Isn't he cute??

The prompt is week is learning something new for the new year. I don't even know where to begin! I've been retired for a little over a year but I feel I could do better with time management. Some days just seem to get away from me. I walk 5 miles a day but I want to use weights and build up some muscle mass. I have to learn to cook healthier too. We'll see how I do in 2023!

Happy New Year to everyone! 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

I Like Thursday #170

It's time for I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to read more happy and uplifting posts. I'm working on a piano border for the string quilt. I have one side all sewn together but not sewn onto the quilt top. Time is the problem this time of year! Between shopping and wrapping, I'm always behind. I'm sure you know!

I started to quilt my crumb block quilt. The diagonal plaid pantograph looks easy but it's so hard to make those lines straight. It doesn't take much to curve or veer off a little. I decided it might not be perfect, but that's how this quilt is going to be finished. I'm actually getting better the more I quilt the pattern. I guess that's one way to learn!

I've been Christmas shopping but couldn't resist buying myself a little something! I saw this cute magazine with some really nice scrap patterns. I'm always on the hunt for new scrap patterns. I just had to buy it!

This month's prompt is traditions. This is Frank E. Post that my son just had to have when he was around 8 years old. We still decorate with a lot of things the kids bought or made over the years. I think Ben might want Frank for his own place now that he's getting married. I have him at my house for now!
I love putting out all the stuff the kids made when they were little. I miss those days!

I hope you all enjoy the next few days before the big holiday. We're expecting a huge rain and wind storm. Be safe!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Diagonal Plaid Pantograph

I washed the backing for this quilt almost 2 weeks ago. I just couldn't get to the ironing board to get it ready to load onto the longarm. I had some time a few days ago so I ironed the top as well as the backing.  I loaded it over the weekend. This quilt is made up of my scraps and orphan blocks. It measures about 92" X 110".  It's much bigger than I expected. 

I chose a variegated thread called Joseph's Coat. I thought that the blue and yellow solid fabrics would look nice with a little color thrown in. I'm using the same thread in the bobbin. It's 50 weight and made by Superior Thread. 

 This is the hard part! I'm going to try and use this pantograph. It's called Diagonal Plaid. It looks simple enough but it's going to be difficult to make those lines straight every darn time! Mine isn't going to look as perfect as the panto but I hope it will be close enough! Right now, I'm practicing the pantograph without sewing, just following the design. I'm getting a little better!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

I Like Thursday #169

Welcome to I Like Thursday! A bunch of us bloggers post positive and fun posts once a week. To link up to more of these posts, please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. She has lots of fun stuff going on! I've noticed the deer hanging around my yard lately. I was pretty sure one was a buck. I got this picture off of my Ring. I guess he was hanging around my yard one morning. He looks very majestic to me! I love being able to see him.

I made Paleo Biscotti last week. They came out so good! You can find the recipe at Almond Flour Biscotti. So easy and so good!! I used pistachios but you can substitute with another nut. 

I finally got out of the house and went out to dinner. I just had to have White Wine Sangria. It was fruity and tasty! It sort of reminded me of summer during a cold winter. I enjoyed it for sure!

 This is one of the best books I've ever read. It's about someone who fled WWII in Paris and hid so many secrets along the way. Realizing she's running out of time, she gets her granddaughter to look into aspects of her life she had kept secret for 70 years. Get the tissues ready!

This week's prompt was favorite Christmas carol. I love The Christmas Song sung by Nat King Cole. I love the melody but it also reminds me of my father. I think he liked the song too since he loved the voice of Nat King Cole. It always reminds me of him. It's nice when the holidays are here to have a little piece of him around. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Trudging Along

I'm trying to finish my Christmas shopping. It's so hard to figure out when to stop. I keep finding more stuff to buy at some great prices. While shopping, I'm trying to do some sewing/quilting. Sadie's Choice Rose block from Carrie Hall's Sampler needs the red center piece to be completely appliqued.  This block is taking forever! There's so much to it with so many pieces. I'll get there eventually! This block measures 20.5" square.

My string quilt now has a 2 inch border. It's hard to see but the border is made up of a peach fabric. I thought white would be too much of a contrast. This color is a little more subtle. I have more piano keys to cut. I think I have 28 left. I also plan on making 4 blocks for the corners of the piano key border. 

In the midst of Christmas season, my husband is home sick with some awful cold. He's Covid negative but still feels terrible. I hope I don't get it. It's the last thing I need at this time of year. 


Thursday, December 8, 2022

I Like Thursday #168

I can't believe it's Thursday already! It's time for our Thursday likes. Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to read more positive posts. I just sewed the last row onto this quilt top. I love how the scraps just shine in this string quilt. It measures 64.5" square. I'll be adding a 2" inner border as well as a piano key border. (Can you see Molly admiring the quilt??)

I bought a new iron and decided not to put any water in it. I feel the addition of water is like the kiss of death. I'm just hoping to make the iron last longer. I bought this cute misting bottle at my local quilt shop. I guess I'm an Iron Maiden like the bottle says! 

Our prompt this week is favorite Christmas cookie. There is no one cookie that my family makes every year. We have a lot of the traditional cookies but they vary from year to year. However, my mother makes wandies (sp?) every year. They're made from a sweet dough that she forms strips from. The strips are criss crossed, almost like a bow. Then, they're deep fried and sprinkled with confectioner's sugar. She has already made a batch this year. I'm not sure if she needs to make more. My mother claims it's not Christmas unless we have wandies for dessert!

Have any of you been watching Interview with the Vampire on AMC? It was so good. The Vampire Lestat will be presented next year. I can't wait! I may have read this this book years ago but I bought the whole series while Christmas shopping. I figure it's an early gift for me!

I hope you had a good week. I'm making good progress on my Christmas list. I hope to be done soon but I always think of new things to add. We'll see how I do! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

String Quilt in Progress


I've been working on my string block quilt a little bit at a time. I'm finally showing some good progress. I only have 3 rows left. The blocks finish at 8" square so this will measure 64.5" when all the blocks are sewn together. I plan on adding a 2 inch border all the way around. I think the eye needs something to rest on. I'll probably use a solid for that.

I decided to add a piano key border. I have 75  pieces cut so far. They measure 2.5" X 5". I think that's enough for 2 sides. I haven't decided what to do in the corners yet. I'll figure it out when I get there! I'm still trying to get my Christmas shopping done. Almost there!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

I Like Thursday #167

It's time for our Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color to link up to more happy and uplifting posts. I washed the Garlic Knot quilt last week. I put it in the dryer but took it out while it was still damp. I had it on the carpeting for a little while and then moved it onto the couch. Well, it looks like Molly thought it was a great place for a nap! When it dried, I put it through the dryer to get some of that cat fur off!

I'm still working on applique blocks for Carrie Hall's Sampler quilt. This is how far I am on the second block. It's measures 20.5" square. It's slow going but it's so relaxing and gives me something to do while I watch TV. (It's almost time for General Hospital!!😄)

Our prompt this week was about holiday movies. My favorite is "It's a Wonderful Life". I try to watch it every year. I also try not to cry at the end although the crying is more happy than sad. It's a classic and I just enjoy everything about it! I also love to watch all the Christmas cartoons that air during the month of December. I still love Charlie Brown!

I got these window decorations from JoAnn's. I just wanted to decorate our back door. Doesn't Santa look like he's imitating John Travolta?? I think this Santa likes disco!! It's just a cute little decoration to make you smile!

I wish you all have a great weekend! I'm trying to get that Christmas shopping done. I'm about halfway there. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Project Catchup

I finished my table runner last week. It was perfect timing! Thanksgiving was over and I could begin to display my Christmas decorations. I have a table in the dining area of my kitchen and thought it was the perfect place for my new table runner.

This is just another view of the same table with the table runner. It fits perfectly!

My handmade Christmas gifts are finally done so I could get back to my own projects. Here's the first row of my string quilt. It's amazing how scraps look so good together! These blocks are easy to sew together but there are so many bias edges. I'm just pinning a lot but there are no seams to line up. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Christmas Table Runner Finished!

I just finished my Christmas Table Runner.  It used a charm pack so cutting was minimal. It measures about 16" X 48". The longest part was figuring out the arrangement of the 5" squares!

The quilting didn't take long either. I quilted arcs in the squares and ruler work in the stars. Since there were only 4 stars, that turned out to be quick too. 

I had enough of the star fabric to make binding. I'm still working on Christmas gifts but I'll be sewing this binding down as soon as those gifts are done. Christmas is always such a busy time of year!  I'm almost done my handmade gifts but I still have a ways to go on the rest of my list. Online shopping, here I come!!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

I Like Thursday #166

 It's time for Thursday likes! A bunch of us bloggers post things we like once a week. If you'd like to see more happy posts, please visit LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. Well, my lawn looks like winter. Our trees have lost their leaves and everything looks dormant. But I noticed this lone flower on a rose bush. I'm not sure how but it's still proudly blooming! I felt uplifted when I saw it. 

I finished my Christmas table runner. It was such a fun project. It was quick and easy! It measures 16" X 48".

I found this Riley Blake fabric for the backing. It's funny the stuff you find in your stash!

With Christmas season almost upon us, we just had to buy a new seasonal scratching house for the cats. This one is a van or truck full of Christmas gifts in the back that's being driven by a penguin. Sounds normal to me!! Each cat has taken their turn sitting next to the penguin! It always amazes me that the cats seem to know exactly what to do!

I don't have any fancy Thanksgiving recipes to share. My family grew up in Italy and this holiday was very foreign to them. They did serve turkey with vegetables and tried to make it as traditional as they could. However, we always had Italian food mixed in with normal Thanksgiving fare. We always had some sort of pasta dish, lasagna being my favorite! My mother's lasagna has meat in it but she makes the meat into tiny little meatballs. I don't have a picture to show you but I just think it's the best one I've ever eaten!

That's the week that was! Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Christmas Table Runner

I'm still working on finishing up Christmas gifts but I started a project for me! I've made this table runner as gifts for friends but never made one for myself. I bought a charm pack awhile ago so I thought I'd better start now it if I want to use it this Christmas season.

This table runner is made up of 12 rows made up of 4 squares. I didn't have enough squares in my charm pack so I found a few matching fabrics in my stash. Flying Geese are made with the squares to give us that pretty Sawtooth Star block throughout the runner.  I changed the pattern a little. I liked the flying geese to be all the same size. The pattern called for 2 sizes to make it look a little more whimsical. I like symmetry too much to do that!

This is the book I'm using for the pattern. There are 3 books in the series and each book has great patterns. I have all 3 and I love them all!


Thursday, November 10, 2022

I Like Thursday #165

It's time for Thursday Likes! A group of us bloggers post happy and uplifting posts. Please visit Not Afraid of Color to link up to similar blogs. I looked out my window Saturday and found this cute squirrel sitting on a branch, just sort of relaxing! The weekend was so warm that I think he was a bit confused! I can't blame him! I heard there weren't very many acorns this year. I'm not sure how true that is. 

I don't do too much decorating for Thanksgiving but I did put up these kitchen towels. I had to take down the Halloween decorations and thought the house looked sort of empty. It won't be much longer and those Christmas decorations will be everywhere!

This week's prompt was apple cider. I don't drink apple cider. It never seems to agree with me. However, apple cider doughnuts are just the opposite. They go down a bit too easily! There's a local orchard that always has them. I'll have to say that I've bought them at the grocery store and they taste pretty good too. I guess I'm not too fussy!

I am obsessed with this book! It's the story of Lucrezia de Medici. She was born in Florence, Italy in 1545. She was married off at the age of 15. Her marriage was short and unhappy. Of course, much of the book is fiction, but it's written using the historical timeline of Lucrezia's life. This book was so good. I plan on reading more books by Maggie O'Farrell. This book read like classical literature. What talent!

That's it for this week! Happy Veteran's Day! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Voting and Stitching!

I voted this morning around 11:00. We've always voted at the elementary school around the corner. I was so surprised to see a line there. I had to wait over 30 minutes. It was tough to find a parking spot. I hope that means people are taking the midterms seriously. I guess we'll find out later!

I'm sewing down binding on a few of my Christmas gifts. I can give you this little peek!

These are the leaves I need for my next applique block of Carrie Hall's Sampler Quilt. I have them marked so I know what side of the stem they're supposed to go. I have to applique the leaves first since the stems go over them and cover up the raw edge of the bottom of the leaf. 

It's a cool and windy day. Quite the difference after the temperature hitting the high 70's yesterday! Today feels more normal for this time of year. 

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...